This year has gone by so fast!! Our year didn't start off so well, My Amazing cousin Tyrel passed away at the young age of 26 from complications of a seizure unexpectedly. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. We were the closest in age in our family and I always looked up to him and his brothers. There are SO many things that just won't be the same with out him. He worked hard to Play hard, that was his moto. He always lived his life to the fullest and never looked back! We will all miss him dearly and I only wish that ReLeigh could've got to know him better. We can't wait to see you agian someday!!
Things turned around in February, ReLeigh had her First Birthday!!! We went all out (well at least I did) but hey you only turn 1 once!!! I got her, her own cake from Dippidee, it was so cute!!! He theme was Cupcakes so I made tons of cupcakes, and I made everything Bright and fun! She got completely spoiled by everyone!!! We Love you ReLeigh McKell! Here are some pics from her B-Day!

Shane and I also celebrated our birthday's I turned 22 and Shane turned 23. We have been loving every minute of being married and being parents we woudn't trade any of it for anything! Oh and I almost forgot that my brother got married and they had the first baby in April, His name is Ziggy Tyrel and he is such a freaking chunck!! he is 5 months now and last he weighed in he was 17 ibs 26 inches long! He is such a good baby and he is very happy! We love hims so much!!

We are also currently trying to work on being sealed in the temple. We know we have a long hard journey in front of us but we know that it will all be worth it in the end. We are also hoping to start trying to have another baby this next coming year. Well that's all I can do for now.... I hope you enjoyed my post! LOL I promise I won't wait that long between posts again!