Today I just found out that my dog Bailey had to be put to sleep. I couldn't believe when my mom called me with the news because she was so happy, playful, and healthy yesterday. My mom told me that she couldn't keep her food down and they thought that she got into some antifreeze. When she took her to the vet they told her that they found no traces of poison or anything but that her blood work showed that her liver and kidney's were failing, and that she only had about a week to live. He also said that he couldn't believe that she had made it this far because it is a very painful process. I only wish that I could have given her a kiss, told her how much I loved and was going to miss her, and then said Good-bye. I loved her so much because she was my first dog that I bought, she was everything I ever wanted. She was playful and sweet. I can still remember the day we went to pick her up. She was so scared because she didn't know what was going on but we became friends really quick. She loved to sleep right next to me in my bed it would get annoying because she would end up taking the whole dang bed but I just couldn't get mad at her because she looked so cute! She loved to go outside and go for walks, she loved to play ball with anyone even our other dogs. She loved people especially kids because they gave her the most attention. Bailey loved to have her belly rubbed, take rides in the car (even if it was just around the block) and she also loved to be around you or should I say right next to you, she just always wanted to be the center of attention but we loved that about her! The thing I will miss most about her was how she loved to howl along with you, when ever you would sing or just howl so she would! It was so cute because sometimes it was almost like she was talking to you.