Here are the Professional pictures we got of ReLeigh I LOVE THESE PICTURES!!! We got them done by a lady in West Jordan named Sheri. If your interested in getting pictures done I would recommend looking at her site. she does such a good job. I love that she got ReLeigh's personality in some of the photos and that she was able to create a calm enough atmosphere that Rey was able to fall asleep so we could get those adorable naked and feet pictures done. She is such a cute baby and We love her so very much.
Sorry it has taken me so long to post this but it has been really hard to find some time to get on and post. Getting to the 3 month milestone had felt like FOREVER but her I am like 4 days away from her turning 4 months. She has gotten so big... she is getting chubbier and it is so cute!!! She can fully hold up her head without losing control of it. She is always talking and she has started to lift up her legs on her own. She grabs her toes but can't hold on to them because she always gets excited and kicks her legs. She wants to be independent which is ok but it makes me sad because that means she is getting big... she likes to hold her bottle and be in control of putting her Binky in her mouth. I don't have any pictures loaded on my computer of her at 3 months yet but I will be posting her professional pictures in my next post.