Hey everyone that follows this blog (if there are any since it's been almost a year since my last post). I have been SUPER busy! So here is just a quick update of what we have been up to in the last year. Shane and I celebrated our 4th year of marriage this year, It has been an amazing. I only pictures myself where I am now, we I was in Elementary school, but when I was older I never thought I would be married with a kid and a house. Shane and I were busy preparing to go threw the Temple for the first time as a family. We were sealed in the Draper Temple on June 11Th, it was such an awesome experience. This Temple is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL, I was in awe of all the pretty chandeliers and sconces, wood work, furniture and art work! We also had ReLeigh sealed to us, words can't even describe how wonderful it was. There wasn't a dry eye in the room, and she was so good- and when I say good I mean like not her self good, I know that our prayers were answered that day for sure! She looked so cute in her white dress and she knew it. The Spirit that we felt that day was so strong! Everyone told us we would be tired when we were done, and I was thinking "yeah right it doesn't take that long how would I be tired after a couple hours?" Oh man, when we were done with our luncheon we all went home and crashed on the coach for a couple of hours. I can honestly say that this was the best decision we have made. I can't even tell you how many time Shane and I have tried going through the process to be sealed, it has been a very long hard road and I am glad that we made it, I know that the only reason we did is because we were the one's making this decision, not anyone else. I am so glad that I can now say we are a FOREVER FAMILY! I love my husband and I am so ready to spend eternity with him, I also love my sweet little Rey bug, she is perfect in every single way and I am so Thankful for her! I also wanted to Thank everyone that participated in getting us to the Temple and Thanks for not giving up on us and for never judging us or pushing us! You guys hold a special place in my heart and I want you to know how much I love and care about you!
Shane was pretty much MIA this Summer, he was working out of town in St. George up until a couple of weeks ago! Let me tell you it freaking SUCKED! I hate being alone, and it's hard raising your kid by your self, working, and never having a minute to yourself. I am SO THANKFUL for Shane, he helps me out so much! He is always willing to change Rey's diaper, play with her, put her down for naps, make dinner for us, clean, and the list goes on. He does so much for us and he works hard every single day to make sure that there is dinner on the table and a roof over our heads. Not many people understand how hard he works! Shane leaves our house between 4:30am and 6:00am depending on where he is working, some times it's early like when he was going to work in St. George on Monday he would leave our house at 3AM. Then he works outside in the HOT sun, rain, hail, snow, and freezing temperatures for 10-12 hours a day 5 sometimes 6 days a week, not like most people who work in an office cubical with air conditioning and a heater for 8-10 hours, 4-5 days a week. I have no idea when my husband will come home at night, sometimes he gets off at 5:00 and other times he's not home till 8:00. He never knows when he will get a call saying that he will be going out of town and that they need him to come to work ASAP because somethings happened. It's really hard! Sorry that I'm going off on how my husband works hard, but I am sick and tired of people writing on Facebook or talking at church saying that they are so upset because there husband is an hour late from getting home or that they have to work a Saturday shift and they are going to miss out on something! Hello people my husband has to work on our Anniversary, Birthday's, and pretty much all the Holiday's, So shut your mouth about how hard it is. OK I think I'm done with my rant! This will probably piss off some people, but I really don't care! :D I am really happy though that he is working on the Murdock Canal, this is a great opportunity for him, they have promoted him to Foreman!!!!!!! I'm so proud of him, he completely deserves it! He will also be finishing his Journeyman's Operator schooling in March. I LOVE YOU BABY THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!
Shane was pretty much MIA this Summer, he was working out of town in St. George up until a couple of weeks ago! Let me tell you it freaking SUCKED! I hate being alone, and it's hard raising your kid by your self, working, and never having a minute to yourself. I am SO THANKFUL for Shane, he helps me out so much! He is always willing to change Rey's diaper, play with her, put her down for naps, make dinner for us, clean, and the list goes on. He does so much for us and he works hard every single day to make sure that there is dinner on the table and a roof over our heads. Not many people understand how hard he works! Shane leaves our house between 4:30am and 6:00am depending on where he is working, some times it's early like when he was going to work in St. George on Monday he would leave our house at 3AM. Then he works outside in the HOT sun, rain, hail, snow, and freezing temperatures for 10-12 hours a day 5 sometimes 6 days a week, not like most people who work in an office cubical with air conditioning and a heater for 8-10 hours, 4-5 days a week. I have no idea when my husband will come home at night, sometimes he gets off at 5:00 and other times he's not home till 8:00. He never knows when he will get a call saying that he will be going out of town and that they need him to come to work ASAP because somethings happened. It's really hard! Sorry that I'm going off on how my husband works hard, but I am sick and tired of people writing on Facebook or talking at church saying that they are so upset because there husband is an hour late from getting home or that they have to work a Saturday shift and they are going to miss out on something! Hello people my husband has to work on our Anniversary, Birthday's, and pretty much all the Holiday's, So shut your mouth about how hard it is. OK I think I'm done with my rant! This will probably piss off some people, but I really don't care! :D I am really happy though that he is working on the Murdock Canal, this is a great opportunity for him, they have promoted him to Foreman!!!!!!! I'm so proud of him, he completely deserves it! He will also be finishing his Journeyman's Operator schooling in March. I LOVE YOU BABY THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!!
As for me I am still working at the Legacy Center. I have Friday's off, so that is my time to catch up on cleaning my house, and playing with Rey! I started Weight Watchers at the beginning of this year and had a goal to lose 30 pounds by the beginning of July, and I met my goal! YAHOO!!! I was able to meet my goal by the 2nd weekend in June! I was so proud of myself... believe me it wasn't easy there were lots of weeks that I would gain or wouldn't loose, but I had a goal and I was determined to meet it. I know that a lot of the reason that I met my goal was because of my family and the support of those at WW meetings. It's really nice to know that you aren't the only one in the world that is over weight and needs/wants to loose weight. I also want to Thank my Grandma Calton for helping me out, she is a lifetime member to Weight Watchers and she has worked very hard, I hope one day to meet my life time goal! Something else that is cool that I did this year so far was complete 4 out of 5 of my New Years Resolutions! I have never stuck to finishing my Resolution list, I always give up by March or April. For you who haven't seen my Facebook page or seen my list here it is:
1- Join Weight Watchers- DONE
2- Lose 30 Pounds by July-DONE
3- Do a 5K-DONE
4- Get Sealed in the Temple-DONE
5- Get Pregnant-We're working on it ;D
Now for the update on ReLeigh! She is now about 2 1/2 and totally in her terrible two's, some days are better then ever. She has went threw hitting, biting, screaming, major temper tantrums, and everything in-between. She is still the cutest curly-blonde haired, blue eyed girl ever. We get stopped every where we go so someone can tell us how cute she is, and how they love her curly hair! She loves going to church, she even asks to go in the middle of the week! She loves to go to the park and school by our house so that she can go down the slides and swings, she always freaks out when we drive by a park or school and we don't stop. When we go to the Bank she knows that they give out suckers so she always reminds me to get her one. ReLeigh is so smart! She knows all of her colors, she can count to ten (she says 7 as "fiven" it's adorable), she speaks in sentences, can put her shoes on the right feet, and she picks up EVERYTHING that anyone says. My dad loves to teach her to say funny things, the most recent is instead of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" she says "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Bum" luckily she hasn't sang that version nursery. Her favorite movies are Toy Story 1-3, Princess and the Frog, and the Leap Frog DVDs (letter factory, numbers ahoy, alphabet amusement park, and math to the moon).
So that's my quick update! I'll post some updated pictures, next time. Maybe one of my New Year Resolution's for next year should be to update my blog at least monthly!
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