Tuesday, December 22, 2009
HaPpY hOLIDaYs EvErYoNe!!!!!
We hope everyone has a Very Merry Chirstmas and a Happy New Year!!! Love The Miner's!!

Quick Update

Hey sorry I have been such a bad blogger but with the holiday's it's been hard to just find time to sit down and upload pics!! Since I last updated ReLeigh has started crawling and pulling her self up and cruising around the house!! She has 4 1/2 teeth (the one top one just won't poke through!!) and she loves to try and climb the stairs she had No FEAR!! We are all set for the Holidays and we can't wait it's going to be so much fun!!! We have got lots of presents under the tree. Work for Shane and I has been good we have been very fortunate through these tough times to keep our jobs and we are so very thankful!! We got our family pictures done by Kelsie she did such a good job... you can check out her stuff on her blog!! I LOVE THEM... THANKS SO MUCH KELSIE!!! I hope everyone is well and I will try to stay on top of things!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
HaLlOwEeN with ReLeigh!
This year was ReLeigh's First Halloween!! It was so much fun to dress her up!! I had such a hard time finding her a cute costume that was her size at under $20. But then when I was a a boutique there was a lady there that was making costumes out of tutu's and I remembered that my best friend had bought Rey a M&M shirt that was red and I had made her a red tutu for the fourth of July so I thought I would dress her up as a Fancy M&M and I think it turned out TEN times Cuter than those costumes in the store!! And it only cost me $16.00(only because her bow came in a two pack). ReLeigh had tons of fun. We went to my moms best friends house first because she never gets Trick-or-Treaters so we thought we would drop by. When we got there she got to hang out with a couple of new friends and she really enjoyed it! Then we went to all the Grandma's houses that were on my side of the family. Everyone LOVED her costume and thought she was just so cute!!! She also enjoyed sucking on the candy bar with the wrapper on. She is getting so big and I just can't believe it! She already has 2 teeth with the top 2 on there way they are going to pop out any minute!! We hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
LaBoR DaY: Wedding, Blessing, ZOO, and Luau!
We had a BUSY Labor Day. My Best Friend since 2 Amber got married on Saturday September 5th to Tyler Jacobson! They make such a great couple, they also have a cute baby girl named Haylee Marie. She is 3 1/2 months old. Her Wedding was beautiful, It was simple and fun! Amber looked amazing, and Hidden Meadows did a great job at making everything run smoothly! CONGRATULATIONS MR. and MRS. Jacobson! On Sunday we BLESSED our beautiful baby girl ReLeigh McKell. She looked so cute!! When Shane presented her she had this look on her face like Yep this is my day, all about me no one else! It was so funny!! We had everyone over after Sacrament for a light lunch, our house was packed! It was great to see everyone, Thanks to those who came and for those who couldn't make it! On Sunday Rey chomped on some celery (she loved it!) and she also drank from her sippy cup!! She is getting so big!! Then on Monday we took Rey to the HOGLE ZOO!!! It was a lot of fun! Her uncle Colton came with us. (ReLeigh LOVES Colton) We thought that because she loves animals so much she would like the Zoo but oh man it was BUSY!! Every time there would be an animal that was out and about everyone would push and get in the way so that they could see the animal so it sucked on that end but she liked the monkey's they made her laugh! She loves hippos, birds, bears and Tigger. She was completely OUT when we were done at the Zoo there was no waking her up! Later that day we went to this Luau at Thanksgiving Point with Shane's Family. It was ok... the food was really good but we didn't really like the entertainment, it was nothing like the Luau's we went to in Hawaii. The music they set the dances too was like techno, club music which has nothing to do with the traditional dances! Also some of the dancers looked like they had no idea what they were doing like they had just learned them 30 minutes earlier. So we left early, but we were ok with it because we were tired from walking around the Zoo all morning. We had such a good weekend and wish we could have more like that more often!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Quick update!
Ok so ReLeigh is about to be 7 months (i'm so bad!) so here are a couple of pictures of her at 5 months and 6 months. We have just been so busy that I haven't had time to update our blog. It seems like every weekend we have had something to do, and every time I try to get on and update my blog the baby wakes up. I have also got another job.... about 2 weeks ago I started working back at the Legacy Center but in the Registration office which has been so great!!! I only work 5 hours and ReLeigh gets to have time with her Grandma Miner and Her Grandma Amy. Shane is still at Gerber Construction and we are doing great!!! Over the past couple of months we have been a few places... we went on the Calton Family Camping Trip to Jordanelle, Park City to shop, Thanksgiving Point Gardens, and the Dinosaur Measum at Thanksgiving Point. We also have started ReLeigh on Solid Foods and She has done really good!! She doesn't like Rice Cereal but she so far likes Pears, Sweet potatoes, Carrots and Green Beans.
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