Monday, February 9, 2009

4 Days Left!!!

I went to the Doctor today and everything is progressing perfectly! I am now dilated to 3 cm and over 80% effaced with the babies head down and in the pelvis. I went in with the intention of asking about what I could do to get this baby out, like striping my membranes, creams, or induction. But I didn't even have to ask! I was suprised right when he was done checking me and the babies heart beat he asked me if I had thought about being induced? Of course I told him Yes. He was like well we can try to do it as soon as possible or we can wait to do it after your due date it's just up to you. So Shane and I asked if we could do it ASAP and he got on the phone with American Fork Hospitals Labor and Delivery and checked to see when they could get me in and they said Friday the 13th at 7 in the morning! I'm so excited because either she will come on her own between now and Friday morning or she will be here some time on Friday or Saturday morning! We just can't wait, we pretty much have everything we need! We are just waiting for the crib to come in. We will keep you updated... we are taking the computer, camera, and video camera to the hospital with us and we will be updating our blog!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holy cow you guys! That is tomorrow! Good luck! I hope everything goes really smooth. SO excited for you to meet your new little one tomorrow. :)